Our embodied valuesOur ethical philosophy
Our vision aims for excellence, but not at any price. There is no question of developing and radiating without being perfectly faithful to our raison d’être. And when it comes to implementing concrete and pragmatic actions to honor both our commitments and our brand DNA, there are no half measures. We act at all levels to ensure that our know-how is continually supported by ethical and responsible know-how.
Immaculate sourceAuthenticity
From source to bottle, we take great care to preserve the original authenticity of this water of exceptional quality. We favor low production while respecting the environment and the timelessness of this immaculate source.
Low energy signatureSustainability
In a constant process of sustainable development and in order to preserve this invaluable resource that are the mineral waters of Sembrancher, we only take from this majestic setting and use a tiny quantity of the water that emerges from the Artesian well.
We take concrete and responsible actions on our words. Our ethical values are embodied just as much in the processes of exploitation and distribution of our mineral waters and our lemonades from Greater Saint Bernard, as in the commercial relations and partnerships that we deploy.
At the service of the planetInnovation
We are focused on innovation in the service of people, the planet and natural resources. Precursors, we have restored mineral water to its former glory and we like to be one step ahead and do our part. All with a constant concern for the enhancement of our human wealth at the heart of a creativity aimed at achieving our objectives.
Visionaries, we are attentive to the evolving needs of our market (80% in Switzerland, a little in France and Belgium). We are able to reinvent ourselves, to evolve, to grow to act clearly and boldly for constant development and adapted to the expectations of our customers (catering professionals, distribution and the general public).